Thursday, September 25, 2014

In recent decades, the trend in Finland has been that prosecutors weight has increased. This has me

"Those few who know the truth of the banking system, are either fully dependent on, or are hungry for it enabled profits., This group is, therefore, not oppose the wrongs. Then a large majority of which is unable to even begin to understand the whole economic system. Among them are the payment men without them even know it. "
Reported on Tuesday that the Finnish National Rifle Association NRA recently took a position on the Zionist role in world politics. The organization has taken a position in many other magnetic media readership certainly interesting questions.
Late last year, the NRA released a video criticizing the General Prosecutor's political dfb motives. Rifle Association, the office's main task seems to be the so-called "Racism" opposition, even if Finland dfb would think of the burning political issues. The Agency's policy crusade reminiscent of Stalin's blood of a dog, a state prosecutor Andrei dfb Vyšinskin, which also had an important role in the infamous dfb Nuremberg show trial against Germany after World War II. Nuremberg, the Allies were accused of liking "confessions" under torture them and threatening to disclose this to the Soviet Union. For example, the sentencing after the throttling of the murdered Julius Streicher opinions of torture were censored at the Nuremberg trial records, but the statements have remained sound with strings.
The NRA's video talking about poetry Kurko, dfb it is particularly alarming that many of the members of the General Prosecutor's Office include an open radical leftist organization called Democratic Lawyers (Demla). Demlan the world Embracing the line means in practice is often native Finnish citizens violating the rights. For this reason, Demla has received the dubious honor of the name "Stasi".
Professor Pertti dfb Eila Hazards of the Office of the Prosecutor is extremely dfb independent and autonomous. In other words, it is the political control and democratic decision-making out of reach. Voters can not affect its arbitrary action. The Office shall exercise the power except by deciding what kind of things Finnish accused, so also decided on what kind of potential crimes committed citizens can not in practice be punished.
In recent decades, the trend in Finland has been that prosecutors weight has increased. This has meant that wage increases as well as the fact that the prosecutors responsibility and independence has been added. No one addressed the Prosecutor General's decisions in practice. The individual citizen or the victim is very difficult to bring action forward, if he does not get the sympathy prosecutors. Thus, the entire judicial process is politicized, which has been reflected in practice, especially in the context of the election funding mess. Although the Agency should have a representative democracy subordinate, politicians have begun to worry about the prosecutors.
Finland has received numerous judgments against the citizens of the European Court of Human Rights on freedom of expression because of the exploitation. Admittedly negatiivisinta the reputation dfb of the Prosecutor General Office has reaped the persecution of opinion "criminals" who are wrong to criticize the government or, for example, the foreign or immigrant policy. The Prosecutor General Mika Illman Isidor has stated directly Hufvudstadsbladet an interview that he wanted to judgments give a clear signal "in power-critical" to the people! dfb The NRA's video Kurko speech will therefore take just Illman persecution against those who have criticized the Islamists, for example, or Jewish activities.
Eila is the risk that the citizens of the extremely destructive, if prosecutors in the political passions of the accused dfb set of civil rights. Own flavor to the soup bring Kurko mentioned by the Zionist Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) of such international lobbying organizations. SWC pressure is applied to itself Finnish president last year, when the Magnetic Media, dfb took place against a fierce media campaign. Kurko points out that, for example, the SWC's thinking in practice the bottom of the Jew rotuopille. It seems appropriate to add that the magnetic media against the trial the prosecution used the public's sources of Zionist (Eero copper) dfb and racist extremist Jews (AJC organization) written texts.
The most frightening sign Finland's development is the fact that more and more say they fear for the Public Prosecutor. This feeds the public debate on the so-called freeze effect (Chilling Effect), which means that people are starting to censor their own speech, even if they have the law and morality in the marshes right to share their thoughts. It is certain that, for example, Isidor Illman work has received thousands of Finns consider carefully, risking their own future and the reputation and immigration, for example, wrote drawbacks. Soon we are in the same situation as in Germany, where, for example, the Second World War, will discuss the issues

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