Three Interviews - What are the Syrian rebels to Israel and Iran? | Ace of Swords
Filed under: Osimandia (Ü) - osimandia @ 17:05 Tags: Ahmad Issa, Assad, Farouq Brigade, geopolitics, Hezbollah, Iran, Islam Battalion, xscores Israel, xscores rebels, Souqour al-Sham, Syria, Syrian civil war, Osama Juneidi , Zahran Alloush
I know that you should really not use anglicisms, but some are just too good. My absolute favorite xscores is "mind-boggling", but "from the horse's mouth" can also be difficult to translate. xscores Directly from the source or first hand it is true, mutatis mutandis, yes, but the visual presentation of a talking horse that unmasks himself or even embarrassed is better classes.
There is much talk and speculation about the Islamist Syrian rebels. What they plan who is funding them, who they are, anyway? Why are so fundamentalist Islamists militarily supported by the United States? Who would benefit if they succeed to overthrow Assad and to take power? Who would hurt?
Al Jazeera has interviewed xscores three of them and asked them personally, which is information directly from the horse's mouth. Very probably all come excerpts from longer interviews, at least one of them I found on youtube, but it is in Arabic without English subtitles, thus evades xscores our translation. The following translated transcripts of interview excerpts deal with the question of Syria's relations with neighboring countries, especially Iran and Israel, in the case of the fall of the Assad government and a participation of the respective rebel commanders xscores in the new Syrian leadership.
Assuming that the [Syrian] regime would fall and you would participate in the creation of the political future of Syria or be part of the future power structure in Syria, how will look the relations with the states of the neighboring region and the world? Iran, for example?
Usama Juneidi: Even Russia. These countries, Allah willing, their punishment by international tribunals get, with the permission of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. We will continue to work towards this goal.
Assuming that the revolution is successful and the current regime is gone in one way or another, how will the relations with the neighboring countries be? How, for example, your relationship with Iran be?
Ahmad Issa: The question is asked too early, xscores and the answer will be given by the street and the Syrian people. I can not decide, I am the leader of the hawks of the Levant [the]. I am not the President of Syria.
Zahran xscores Alloush: We are the sneaky hands were outstretched to attack the sons of our nation, do not forget that it was the Iranian xscores regime or its supporters.
Since the Islamic revolution in 1979 an Egyptian xscores president has set foot on Iranian soil. The ratio was considered broken, because Egypt had supported the Shah, and then they had in the theocracy of the Ayatollah Khomeini no understanding. When Egypt then closed even peace with Israel in the same year, was finally diplomatic silence.
Then followed the "Arab Spring" and a native of the camp of the Muslim Brotherhood President on the Nile. Suddenly the Egyptian head of state in Tehran should be presentable again, a fresh start summarized the Iranian leadership in the eye.
Mursi made the Iranian hosts no compliments, but he snubbed him completely undiplomatic unarabisch to and - effectively. He caused a scandal when he was a "repressive regime" mentioned in his keynote speech at the 16th summit of the 120 Non-Aligned Movement leadership of Syria under President Bashar al-Assad.
The triangular relationship between Ankara, Damascus and Tehran has worked well until the spring of 2011. Between the three countries visa-free regime was agreed that flourished mutual trade. Turkey could very well with Damascus and good with Tehran. The relations between Tehran and Damascus same for 33 years and a common destiny based on ideological pragmatism unterfüttertem xscores says Professor xscores Sadegh Zibakalam of the University of Tehran.
"Apart from Syria, we do not have good relations with Arab countries. If the Syrian government should fall, then goes Iran a strategic ally lost. Iran will lose the connection bridge to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Therefore, the continued existence xscores of the Syrian regime is of great importance for Iran. "
Muhammad's most faithful and ferocious warrior, xscores leader cruel Kopfabschneiderbrigaden against Syrian soldiers, the very Selb in Iran